As part of the mpich configure | The configure in the mpich directory can invoke the configure in the
mpe subdirectory which can invoke the configure in the jumpshot
subdirectory. This is the default way in which MPICH is configured
but can be overridden by configuring MPICH with the -nompe option.
| |
As part of the mpe configure | The configure in the mpe subdirectory can invoke the configure in the
jumpshot subdirectory. This is the default if the mpe library was
configured with MPICH. Otherwise, the configure option
| |
By itself | Jumpshot can be configured by typing ./configure <configure options>
in the jumpshot directory.
--with-bindir=DIR | Specifies the directory where jumpshot's executable will be
located. Without this flag, jumpshot can not be configured. If
configuring with MPICH or just the mpe library, this will be
automatically determined by default ( but can be overridden ).
| |
--with-jumpshot_home=JUMP_HOME | Specifies the path of the top-level directory where jumpshot is
installed. Without this directory, jumpshot can not be configured.
When configuring with MPICH, this will be automatically determined
by default ( but can be overridden ).
--enable-echo | This switch will turn on strong echoing. The default is enable=no.
| |
--with-arch_bindir=DIR | Specifies an optional directory where jumpshot's executable will
be located. For example, when configuring with MPICH, this will be
the build/ARCH/DEVICE/bin directory.
| |
--with-java=DIR | Specifes the path of JAVA's top-level directory. If omitted,
configure will attempt to locate java.
| |
--with-java_version=VERSION | Specifies the version of JAVA. If omitted, configure will attempt
to locate your java's version.
To view a list of configure options, type ./configure --help in the top-level jumpshot directory.
In the Installation Manual, there is a section on Jumpshot which gives instructions and examples for each type of installation.
The INSTALL in the top-level jumpshot directory.
In the Users Guide, there is a section describing how to use Jumpshot.
In the jumpshot/lib/data directory, describes how to use Jumpshot. Clicking the help button on the Jumpshot display will also bring up this same information.
There is a URL for Jumpshot at
In the jumpshot/src directory, jumpshot.doc is the originial documentation written by the author of Jumpshot, Omer Zaki.