If we want to represent a known function as a polynomial, one way to do it is with a Taylor series. Given a function, , we write
(we remember that is just ). Unless is itself a polynomial, the series may have an infinite number of terms. Terminating the series incurs an error, the truncation error. The error after the term,
A problem with using the Taylor series to get polynomial approximations to a transcendental function is that the error grows rapidly as -values depart from .
For , the Taylor series is easy to write because the derivatives are so simple:
for all orders and we have, for (which is then called a Maclaurin series)
if we use only terms through ; the error term shows that the error of this will grow about proportional to as -values depart from zero. There is a way to deal with this rapid growth of the errors, and that is to write the polynomial approximation to in terms of
Chebyshev polynomials.