Research Interests Cem
Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
Function al Materials: Modelling and Simulation
My research activities involve several areas of materials physics and nanoscience with mod-
elling and simulation and high performance computing techniques. These techniques, e.g.
electronic structure calculations, are important tools for designing of new and/or functional
molecules, materials, and devices and investig ating the physical and chemical properties o f
those. Below, I state my ongoing research projects, research accomplishments and give an
outlook on future research perspectives.
1 Current Research: Supercapacitors, Functionalizing 2D material s p1,2
2 Past Research: Sintering, Functionalizing 2D materials, Boron Clusters, Surface
Modifications, Carbon Nanotubes p2
3 Past Research: Data Mining & Big Data, High Performa nce Computing p4
4 Future Plans p5
1 Current Research
Design of Planar and Tubular Nanostructured Hetero Double Layer
Electrostatic Supercapacitors and Investigation of Energy Storage
Efficient and sustainable clean energy resources has became serious need and research on
this field takes more attention day by day. Developing technologies has created a workspace
about energy storage and conversion systems. This energy storage and conversion workspace
includes batt eries, fuel cells a nd supercapacitors. In the scope o f present research, modelling
and simulation of planar and tubular geometries based nanostructured double layer elec-
trostatic supercapacitors will be examined. The quantum mechanical calculations will be
done by Density Functional Theory (DFT) based non-equilibrium Green f unction method
(NEGF) (utilized package: ATK/VNL). A potential difference applied to the electrodes
causes a current by contact, from contact region t o target region. Quantum transport quan-
tities such as transport spectrum, conductivity, current-voltage characteristics (I-V graph),
and charge distribution will be calculated and by these quantities finally the capacitance of
the system is attained.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) Graphene + h-BN Supercapacitor model: Au(111) electrode/G/h-BN/G/Au(111)
electrode. (b) Stacking order.
The supercapacitor models that will be used in this study are defined in two material cat-
egories; 2D planar electrode materials and dielectric materials. The f ormer one includes
semi-metal graphene (G) that has thin layers, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) with broad
band-gap that is known as white graphene, and silicine that has the same electronic structure
with gr aphene and the latter category includes h-BN, graphene, silicine layers, carb on and
boron nitride nanot ubes. The capacitance and energy storage capacity of the various systems 1/5
Research Interests Cem
Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
(e.g., Figure 1) will be studied by changing the width, length, the number and stacking of
layers, and chirality parameters. Systems with the best theoretical quantum capa cita nce will
be given to the literature as possible functional nanodevices. This project is supported
by T
ITAK (MFAG 115F137 Supervisor 2015).
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of h-BN/G hybrid
and hetero structures, and design of nanosystems functionalized
with defects
The discovery of graphene in 2004 has led to investigation of new 2D materials with honey-
comb lattice structure. The most attractive materials similar to graphene are the transition
metal dichalcogenides, h-BN, and topological insulator s. The perfect lat tice match between
the h- BN (band gap E
= 5 7 eV ) and graphene (semi-metal) make it possible to fabricate
the h-BN-graphene hybrid and heterostructure. The ultimate purpose in making BCN hybrid
nanostructures is to find new compounds whose electronic properties can be switched between
conducting and insulating phases. The h-BN/ graphene heterolayer structures are considered
as promising device architectures in which the h-BN acts as an insulator substrate and/o r
thin dielectric separative layer in graphene-based field effect transistors (FETs). Project
consists of two part s. In the first part, in-plane BCN hybrids (e.g., Figure 2) and in-pla ne
G/h-BN heterostructure will be studied by employing the first-principles calculations within
the DFT f r amework (utilized package: VASP).
Figure 2: Graphene hexagon embed-
ded into h-BN sheet.
Our first goal is to reduce or completely close the band
gap or be able to tune the E
value in order to use
them as conductor or n- or p- type semiconductors in
electronic applications. If we can successfully tune the
, the outcome will be formatio n of semiconducting
regions in conductor graphene. This indeed means to
have nanostructures that can be used as circuit ele-
ments. Our second goal is to search for the possibility
of using the structures with gained magnetic proper-
ties in spintronics applications. Magnetic moments can be observed in BCN hybrids and
systems having defects (such as va cancies C
, B
and N
), where the symmetry is broken.
The second part of our project will concentrate on the in-plane h-BN/G/h-BN and G/h-
BN/G sandwiched heterostructure. Our ultimat e task is to obtain nanodevices which can be
used as circuit elements by tuning the electronic properties and band ga p of the heterostruc-
ture via the vacancies. Our ult imate g oal is to design in-pla ne hybrid/heterostructure to
be employed in technology project. This project is support ed by T
114F426 Researcher 2015).
2 Past Research
Sintering Mechanism and Determination of Melting Points of Silver Nanopar-
ticles Sintering of Ag nanopa r ticles (NPs) is increasingly being used as a driving mechanism
for joining in the microelectronics industry. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) simu-
lations based on the embedded atom method (EAM) to study pressureless sintering kinetics
of two Ag NPs (range of 4 to 20 nm), and sintering of three and four Ag NPs. We found that
the sintering process passed throug h three main stages. Sintering rates obtained by our sim-
ulation were higher than those obtained by theoretical models generally used for predicting 2/5
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Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
sintering rates of microparticles. Furthermore, different sizes of single-crystal Ag NPs to find
complete melting and surface premelting points are studied by using a MD simulation ba sed
on the EAM. Our model can predict both complete melting and surface premelting points
for a wider size range of NPs. Melting kinetics showed three different trends. (utilized
package: developed by us)
Functionalized graphene by embedded boron clusters The doping of graphene by
embedded boron clusters was studied with DFT as a po ssible way of modifying the intrinsic
properties of graphene (utilized package: VASP). We find that B
clusters embedded
into graphene and graphene nanoribbons are structurally stable a nd locally metalized t he
system. A linear chain of boron clusters forms a metallic “wire” inside the graphene matrix.
Thus, the doping of graphene with the cluster implantation technique mig ht be a viable tech-
nique to locally metalized graphene without destroying its attractive bulk properties. The
stability of edge states and edge magnetism in zigzag edge graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs)
is also discussed. We point out that magnetic edge states might not exist in real systems.
Even if systems with magnetic edge states could be made, the intrinsic mag netism would
not be stable at room temperature. Charge doping and the presence of edge defects further
destabilize the intrinsic magnetism of such systems. This project is supported by FP6
(RII3-CT-2003-506079 HPC-EUROPA Supervisor) .
Boron Clusters Boron is a promising material that has ability to build strong and
highly directional bonds with boron itself. As a result, boro n atoms form diverse struc-
tural motifs, ultimately can yield distinct nanostructures, i.e., it can take almost a ny shape.
The electronic and geometric structures, total and binding energies, first and second energy
differences, harmo nic frequencies, p oint symmetries, dipole moments, chemical bondings
and highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital(HOMO-LUMO)
gaps, fragmentation channels, io nization energies, and the Coulomb explosion of small neu-
tral, charged and B
(n = 2 20) clusters, solid α B
and γ B
and α, γ and hydrogen
bonded triangular buckled sheets have been investigated using ab initio quantum chemical
and DFT methods (B3LYP with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set) (utilized packages: Gaussian
& VASP). Within this size range, the planar and quasi-planar (convex) structures have the
lowest energies. The structural transition from 2D to 3D is found at the size of 20. Highly
charged unstable clusters dissociate spontaneously into several neutral or charged fragments,
and large a mo unts of energy are produced, depending on the charg e of the parent cluster.
We argue t hat this mechanism makes boron clusters a clean, safe, and cheap energetic mate-
rial. The structure of the B
fullerene exhibits unusual stability among all noninteracting
free-standing clusters. T his project is supported by T
ITAK ( T BAG 105T084
Surface Modifications Ion beams are used in a wide range of applications, e.g., cleaning
crystal surfaces, depth profiling the atomic composition a nd chemical analysis of the surface
etc. An Ar
Ni(100) collision system at 1 keV impact energy was investigated by using
realistic isoenergetic MD simula t ions to understand the mechanism behind the onset of sput-
tering (utilized package: developed by us). To this end, a sequential MD simulation
program is converted into a linear scaling pa r allel code. Several properties such as penetra-
tion depths, angular and energy distributions of the reflected Ar and sputtered Ni atoms,
dissociation time, embedded, scattering, sputtering patterns and geometries of the sputtered
clusters are reported. The calculated sputtering yield is found to be in good agreement with
the available experimental results.
Carbon Nanotubes (PhD Work) Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) are ob- 3/5
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Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
served to have high flexibility, strength, and stiffness, very similar to those of individual
graphene sheets. The O(N) and parallelization techniques have been successfully applied in
tight-binding MD (TBMD) simulations of metallic and semiconducting behavior o f armchair
and zigzag SWNTs (utilized package: developed by us). We converted a sequential
) TBMD simulation program into an O(N) parallel code to simulate SWNTs under
tensile loading. Young’s modulus, tensile strength, and the Poisson ratio are calculated. The
stress-strain curve is obtained. The elastic limit is observed at a strain rate of 0.09 while the
breaking point is at 0.23. The frequency of vibration for the pristine 10× 10 carbon nanotube
in the radial direction is 4.71 × 10
GHz and found that it is sensitive to the stra in rate.
This project is supported by T
ITAK (TBAG 1877 (199T106) Researcher)
and METU ( AFP-2000-07-02-11 Researcher).
3 Past Research
Data Mining & Big Data There has been an explosive g rowth of very large or huge
datasets in scientific and commercial domains. Cluster analysis has become crucial task
for mining of the datasets. A novel linear scaling para llel clustering algorithm based on
wavelet transforms is implemented (utilized package: developed by us). Our results
demonstrate that developed parallel WaveCluster algorithm exposes high speedup and scales
linearly with the increasing number of pr ocessors. We further implemented our WaveCluster
algorithm to graphical processing units (GPUs) level parallelization and investigated the
parallel performance for very large spatial da t asets. Divide and conquer approa ch is followed
on t he implementation of wavelet transform and multi-pass sliding window approach on the
implementation of connected component labeling.
Data reduction is perhaps the most critical component in retrieving information from big
data in many data-mining processes. We examined the mot ivations behind why t he reduction
techniques are important in the analysis of big datasets by presenting several basic reduction
techniques in detail, stressing the advantages and disadvantages of each. A special emphasis
were given t o parallel wavelet-based multi-resolution data reduction techniques on distributed
memory systems using Message Passing Interface (MPI) and shared memory architectures
on GPUs along with a demonstration of the improvement o f performance and scalability for
one case study.
High Performance Computing High performance computing methods and tools are
becoming as indispensable for many research fields including materials science, nano science
and technology. I have made use of the concepts/tools/libraries such as MPI, Parallel Virtual
Machine (PVM), ScaLAPACK, LAPACK, BLAS during writing or parallelization of MD
codes for distributed memory systems. 4/5
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Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
4 Future Research Per spectives
Borophene It is very recently reported that crystalline 2D boron sheets are synt hesized
and show metallic characteristics ( Science 350, 267, 1513-1516 (December 2015)).
Azobenzene Azobenzene has the property of the photoisomerization of trans and cis iso-
mers by lig ht. Transport theory calculations mig ht reveal the possible usage as a molecular
Blueprint: Doping 2D Materials Modelling and simulation of defect creation mecha-
nism (mimicking electron beam irradiatio n) and following deposition of foreign atoms into
defects by using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Then, performing transport cal-
culations to investigate that possible functional nanodevice as a ultimate goal.
TBMD I am planning extend our O(N) parallel TBMD code. Target systems are silicon
carbide for simulation of the production epitaxial graphene and multiwall CNTs for large
scale simulations. 5/5