To show some information on screen;
# Script to show some information on screen
dialog --title "Linux Dialog Utility Infobox" --backtitle "Linux
Shell Script Tutorial" --infobox "This is dialog box called infobox,
which is used\
to show some information on screen, Press any key. . . " 7 50 ;
- Here 7 and 50 are height-of-box and width-of-box respectively.
- "Linux Shell Script Tutorial" is the backtitle of dialog show on upper left side of screen and below that line is drawn.
Use dialog utility to Display dialog boxes from shell scripts.
dialog --title {title} --backtitle {backtitle} {Box options}
where Box options can be any one of following
--yesno {text} {height} {width}
--msgbox {text} {height} {width}
--infobox {text} {height} {width}
--inputbox {text} {height} {width} [{init}]
--textbox {file} {height} {width}
--menu {text} {height} {width} {menu} {height} {tag1} item1}...