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- Each thread in a process is identified by a thread ID, type pthread_t.
- Upon creation, each thread executes a thread function. This is just an ordinary function and contains the code that the thread should run. When the function returns, the thread exits.
- The pthread_create function creates a new thread. You provide it with the following:
- A pointer to a pthread_t variable, in which the thread ID of the new thread is stored.
- A pointer to a thread attribute object. This object controls details of how the thread interacts with the rest of the program. If you pass NULL as the thread attribute, a thread will be created with the default thread attributes.
- A pointer to the thread function. This is an ordinary function pointer, of this type:
void* (*) (void*)
- A thread argument value of type void*. Whatever you pass is simply passed as the argument to the thread function when the thread begins executing.
- A call to pthread_create returns immediately, and the original thread continues executing the instructions following the call. Meanwhile, the new thread begins executing the thread function. Linux schedules both threads asynchronously. (see Fig. 5.1)
Figure 5.1:
Create a Thread
- Under normal circumstances, a thread exits in one of two ways;
- by returning from the thread function. The return value from the thread function is taken to be the return value of the thread.
- a thread can exit explicitly by calling pthread_exit.
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Cem Ozdogan