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List of Figures

  1. UNIX System initialization
  2. Create a Thread
  3. Create Two Threads
  4. Revised Main Function for thread-create2.c
  5. Compute Prime Numbers in a Thread
  6. Skeleton Program That Creates a Detached Thread
  7. Protect a Bank Transaction with a Critical Section
  8. Per-Thread Log Files Implemented with Thread-Specific Data
  9. Thread Function to Process Jobs from the Queue
  10. Job Queue Thread Function, Protected by a Mutex
  11. Job Queue Controlled by a Semaphore
  12. Print Process IDs for Threads
  13. Exercise Shared Memory
  14. Allocating and Deallocating a Binary Semaphore
  15. Initializing a Binary Semaphore
  16. Wait and Post Operations for a Binary Semaphore
  17. Write a Random Number to a Memory-Mapped File
  18. Read an Integer from a Memory-Mapped File, and Double It
  19. How a pipe is organized.
  20. Using a Pipe to Communicate with a Child Process
  21. Redirect Output from a Pipe with dup2
  22. Local Namespace Socket Server.
  23. (socket-client.c) Local Namespace Socket Client.
  24. Read from a WWW Server.
  25. Some common block devices.
  26. Some common character devices.
  27. Function to Generate a Random Number.
  28. Eject a CD-ROM.
  29. Split view of the kernel.
  30. Linking a module to the kernel.
  31. Stacking of parallel port driver modules.
  32. Check File Access Permissions.
  33. Create a Write Lock with fcntl.
  34. Write and Sync a Journal Entry.
  35. CPU Time Limit Demonstration.
  36. Display Process User and System Times.
  37. Detect Memory Access Using mprotect.
  38. Print the Target of a Symbolic Link.
  39. Print System Statistics.
  40. Print Linux Version Number and Hardware Information.
  41. Find Bit Position Using a Loop.
  42. Find Bit Position Using bsrl.
  43. Extract CPU Clock Speed from /proc/cpuinfo.
  44. Obtain the Process ID from /proc/self.
  45. Print the Argument List of a Running Process.
  46. Display the Environment of a Process.
  47. Get the Path of the Currently Running Program.
  48. Open a File for Reading.
  49. Print the System Uptime and Idle Time.
  50. Print User and Group IDs.
  51. Determine File Owner's Write Permission.
  52. Setuid Demonstration Program.
  53. A Simple Buffer Overflow Program and Its Execution.
  54. Create a Temporary File.
  55. Search for a Word in the Dictionary.
  56. How the hardware model maps to the termios structure.
  57. Using termios to turn off character echo.
  58. Puts the terminal in raw mode.
  59. Puts the terminal in raw mode.
  60. UPPER: Shows the initialization and terminations. LOWER: Demonstrates the usage of newterm and delscreen.
  61. Illustrates ncurses' character output functions.
  62. Demonstrates using the string output functions.
  63. Illustrates using line graphics characters.
  64. Illustrates the usage of the input routines.
  65. Illustrates basic color usage.
  66. Illustrates the usage of the some utility functions.
  67. Interaction between events, the X server, and application programs.
  68. The X Window Programming APIs.
  69. The levels of software for a KDE application in Linux.
  70. A simple Qt program displaying text.
  71. A simple KDE program displaying text.

Cem Ozdogan 2007-05-16