Next: Getting Started
Up: Ceng 425 System Programming
Previous: List of Tables
- UNIX System initialization
- Create a Thread
- Create Two Threads
- Revised Main Function for thread-create2.c
- Compute Prime Numbers in a Thread
- Skeleton Program That Creates a Detached Thread
- Protect a Bank Transaction with a Critical Section
- Per-Thread Log Files Implemented with Thread-Specific Data
- Thread Function to Process Jobs from the Queue
- Job Queue Thread Function, Protected by a Mutex
- Job Queue Controlled by a Semaphore
- Print Process IDs for Threads
- Exercise Shared Memory
- Allocating and Deallocating a Binary Semaphore
- Initializing a Binary Semaphore
- Wait and Post Operations for a Binary Semaphore
- Write a Random Number to a Memory-Mapped File
- Read an Integer from a Memory-Mapped File, and Double It
- How a pipe is organized.
- Using a Pipe to Communicate with a Child Process
- Redirect Output from a Pipe with dup2
- Local Namespace Socket Server.
- (socket-client.c) Local Namespace Socket Client.
- Read from a WWW Server.
- Some common block devices.
- Some common character devices.
- Function to Generate a Random Number.
- Eject a CD-ROM.
- Split view of the kernel.
- Linking a module to the kernel.
- Stacking of parallel port driver modules.
- Check File Access Permissions.
- Create a Write Lock with fcntl.
- Write and Sync a Journal Entry.
- CPU Time Limit Demonstration.
- Display Process User and System Times.
- Detect Memory Access Using mprotect.
- Print the Target of a Symbolic Link.
- Print System Statistics.
- Print Linux Version Number and Hardware Information.
- Find Bit Position Using a Loop.
- Find Bit Position Using bsrl.
- Extract CPU Clock Speed from /proc/cpuinfo.
- Obtain the Process ID from /proc/self.
- Print the Argument List of a Running Process.
- Display the Environment of a Process.
- Get the Path of the Currently Running Program.
- Open a File for Reading.
- Print the System Uptime and Idle Time.
- Print User and Group IDs.
- Determine File Owner's Write Permission.
- Setuid Demonstration Program.
- A Simple Buffer Overflow Program and Its Execution.
- Create a Temporary File.
- Search for a Word in the Dictionary.
- How the hardware model maps to the termios structure.
- Using termios to turn off character echo.
- Puts the terminal in raw mode.
- Puts the terminal in raw mode.
- UPPER: Shows the initialization and terminations. LOWER: Demonstrates the usage of newterm and delscreen.
- Illustrates ncurses' character output functions.
- Demonstrates using the string output functions.
- Illustrates using line graphics characters.
- Illustrates the usage of the input routines.
- Illustrates basic color usage.
- Illustrates the usage of the some utility functions.
- Interaction between events, the X server, and application programs.
- The X Window Programming APIs.
- The levels of software for a KDE application in Linux.
- A simple Qt program displaying text.
- A simple KDE program displaying text.
Cem Ozdogan